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Lay Participation in Law Research and Conferences

2021 LSA Conference

Hello CRN4 Members and IRC Lay Participation in Law around the Globe participants!

This is a call for you to participate in the 2021 LSA conference papers/sessions in Chicago, USA (May 27-30). The LSA’s submission deadline has been extended to January 7 (it was December 31; the 7th is now a firm date).

As far as we know at this time, the meeting will be a “hybrid” conference with most sessions to be conducted virtually, online, and a small number of sessions possibly conducted in person. It seems best to assume that we will be meeting virtually.  Whatever the format, we want to have a strong Lay Participation presence!

Please let us know if you plan to submit to the conference on a topic related to lay participation in law.  It is ALWAYS better if we can submit panels, rather than just individual papers so that we control themes on panels and are in a good position to designate which panels will be non-conflicting. And please flag any new books you or others have written that might be appropriate for an Author-Meets-Readers session or a collective Books in the Field session.  We would love to hear of your plans well in advance of the January 7 deadline – as soon as possible but no later than January 4, so we will have time to assemble CRN and IRC panels with your papers on related topics in advance of LSA’s January 7 deadline.

Even if we put together panels of similar papers, you’ll be responsible for uploading the abstract onto the LSA software.  LSA requires a 100-250 word abstract for a paper proposal, 100-200 word abstract for a session proposal, and a 100-200 word abstract for an Author-Meets-Readers (AMR) session. A more flexible roundtable session requires 100-200 word abstract.  LSA is always interested in any “new books in the field sessions,” which (unlike AMR sessions) cover more than one book.

**If you decide at the last minute to submit as an individual paper, please do list “lay participation” as your first keyword so that we can also work to ensure your paper is placed with similar other papers as much as we can.

More information available at:

We look forward to receiving many session and paper proposals.

Your CRN and IRC organizers:
Mar, Mary, Nancy, Sanja, Shari, and Valerie

Past Conferences

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