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Cornell Law School has introduced a new endowed position, the C.S. Wong Professor of Law. Established by a gift from an anonymous donor, the professorship honors businessman C.S. Wong, a great believer in the power of education, and educators, to impart essential knowledge, giving students opportunities to achieve success and live a better life. The inaugural C.S. Wong Professor of Law is Sherry Colb.
“I am delighted and honored to occupy the C.S. Wong chair,” says Colb. “As the inaugural occupant, I received an actual chair, which is beautiful. The donor in this case is anonymous, but I learned a little about Mr. Wong, the honoree, and I am both impressed and grateful. He worked hard and prospered as a businessman, and he greatly valued education as a path to a better life for all of those he cared about. The donation of the chair honors that legacy and makes me proud to be part of the educational enterprise.”
Colb earned her bachelor’s degree from Columbia College and her J.D. from Harvard Law School. After law school, she clerked for Judge Wilfred Feinberg of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and then went on to clerk for Associate Justice Harry A. Blackmun of the United States Supreme Court.
She was a member of the Rutgers University School of Law faculty in Newark before joining the Cornell Law faculty. She has also been a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law and Columbia Law School.
Colb’s research and teaching interests center on issues of constitutional criminal procedure (especially the Fourth Amendment), animal rights, sexual equality, and evidence. She is a prolific author who has written several books and dozens of articles. Most recently, she co-authored a book comparing the debates over animal rights and abortion, Beating Hearts: Abortion and Animal Rights (Columbia University Press, 2016).
“Seeing the physical chair in my office each day reminds me of what a tremendous responsibility it is to appear before a group of students,” says Colb. “As a teacher, I am regularly struck by how much every one of the students here at Cornell has to teach me and my colleagues, if we are only willing to listen and to learn, as Mr. Wong counseled.”